

Matriarchy for Future – Festival
July 3 – 6, 2025

Kasteel de Berckt, near Venlo NL
40 km from Duisburg

Geschenkurkunden Motiv 1 (links) und Motiv 2 (rechts)

gift certificates …

The best gift for Christmas, a birthday or any other occasion: world peace, because everyone involved in the Matriarchy for Future Festival is working towards this. Genevieve Vaughan bought land between a nuclear test site and an Air Force base – borderland that was to serve as an outpost of peace – and donated a temple for Shekmet there. We have designed gift certificates with pictures of the temple that you can give to your loved ones. You can choose from two motifs for three occasions (Christmas, birthday, neutral): Motif 1 (view from the temple) and Motif 2 (temple with rainbow). You should also choose the form of address: «I give you» or «We give you». Write us an email at You can donate via PayPal or by bank transfer to the club’s account (see above). You also have the option of buying a donation ticket. As soon as we receive your donation, we will send you the requested certificate to download.

gift giving …

Mother Earth, with her abundance of food and growth, provides the model for an economy based on gifts. Even small children drink this model with their mother’s milk because they would not survive without the unconditional care of their caregivers. But market economy thinking has alienated us from this. In this time of crisis and systemic upheaval, we should return to the model of the maternal gift economy. 

With the idea of giving as a fundamental economic and life principle, we invite you to be part of the festival with your energy – because your energy makes the festival even more beautiful, colourful and powerful!

In addition to your gift of participation, a project like this always requires gifts in the form of money.

You can join the «Matriarchy for Future» Association, or make a donation to the festival via PayPal or eBanking überweisen: IBAN CH62 8080 8001 3068 6175 2, Matriarchy for Future, Raiffeisenbank St.Gallen. Thank you very much!

donate now with paypal …

Vereinsfrauen vor den Kasteel

the association …

We founded a non-profit association under the name “Matriarchy for Future” in accordance with Art. 60 ff. ZGB with registered office in St.Gallen (Switzerland). It is politically independent and denominationally neutral. The association aims to network initiatives and groups that research, strive for and/or already live matriarchal values.

The association operates exclusively on a non-profit basis and the members work on a voluntary basis.

Membership costs 108 Euros per year (9 Euros per month). A supporting membership is possible from 210 Euros per year. We would be delighted if you became a member and supported the festival and other activities. Download membership from here.

discount …?

How nice that you want to come to the festival and how much we would like to give you a discount. But we ourselves are dependent on donations to make the whole thing happen.

The fact that the festival takes place in a feudal castle might give the impression that there is a lot of money in the background. That would be nice – but unfortunately it is not. The entire festival project is based on voluntary work. What we all have in common is the great desire for change and peace in this world.

With 500 participants, it should just about work out financially. Anything above that can go into a pot from which we plan to provide financial support in May 2025. So by publicizing the festival, you can actively contribute to making a donation pot a reality.

Decide for yourself whether you want to wait until then and ask again or whether you want to secure a ticket beforehand and perhaps find other ways of financing it.


Cooperation …

Internationale Akademie Hagia

We cooperate with the following associations and institutions and thank you very much for their valuable support in every respect, financial, operational or ideal.

Friends of the Academy HAGIA e.V.
Weghof 2, 94577 Winzer
Board: Heide Göttner-Abendroth, Cécile Keller, Gabriele Tscherenkov, Christina Schlatter

MatriaVal e.V.
Association for the support of matriarchal societies and the communication of matriarchal values.
Board: Uscha Madeisky, Dagmar Lilly Margotsdotter und Hemma Ecker

MatriForum, a cross-border platform founded to spread knowledge about the matriarchal social paradigm with the aim of concretely designing viable alternatives for an egalitarian, peaceful society in balance, for a #MATRIFUTURE.

International Library for Matriarchal Studies
Kantonsbibliothek Vadiana St.Gall/ DenkBar St.Gall