

Matriarchy for Future – Festival
July 3 – 6, 2025

Kasteel de Berckt, near Venlo NL
40 km from Duisburg

What’s in it for you…? 

The festival features lectures/workshops, music and much more

For the lectures and workshops, we have oriented ourselves on the cornerstones that Heide Göttner-Abendroth has named as fundamental for a human society: social order, politics, economics, spirituality and, in addition, ecology. Several workshops/lectures are running in parallel, in German or English depending on the speaker, you can choose. Here you can find detailed information about the speakers and their topics:

Social order – From the alphabet for a fulfilled life and community, non-violent conflict resolution and a new way of thinking about love
Politics – From sociocracy and decisions in consensus, life-serving social transformation and climate justice
Ecology – From permaculture and solidarity agriculture, urban gardening and subsistence farming
Economy – From the common good and solidarity, gift economy and fair money
Spirituality – From the advice of grandmothers and vision quests, deep ecology and real relationships with the more-than-human world

Matriarchaler Clan ©Maria Haas

Social order

There are forms of societies …
… in which everyone is well, mothers and children are at the centre, all generations are important. Where one and one is more than two…

Connected instead of lost

Politik von unten


We know examples…
… everyone is heard and decisions are made by consensus. There is wise counsel and words still apply…

Deciding for life

Sorgsame Ökologie


A World in which…
… animals and plants, land and people, forests and rivers, seas and lakes are more than raw materials and resources…

Feeling with the earth

Markt und Schenkökonomie in Yuchitan ©Maria Haas


We know examples…
… of a prudent approach to the earth. Of an honourable harvest that does not take everything, but also gives. Gifts that rotate in circles…

Abundance in motion



We know corporate forms…
… which are fundamentally loving, life-affirming and peaceful, where the feminine principle is sacred to all as the creation of life…

Forward with roots

There are two concerts each on Friday and Saturday evening in the main hall, and on Thursday evening you can get into the festival mood by dancing for two hours. There are also musical performances in the castle courtyard during the day, and disco music can be heard in special rooms at night for anyone who isn’t tired yet.

So far we have been able to book Yaël Deckelbaum, Meera Eilabouni and Schwessi for the concerts, as well as Caroline S’Jegers for the dance evening on Thursday. You can find more information on the Music page.

Yael and Meera (Foto: Carmen Trappenberg Fotografie)
Caroline S'Jegers
Schwessi (Foto Tine Acke)

You still don’t have enough? 

At the festival you will also find offers for body, mind and soul

Performance, musical theater, films and discussions on matriarchal themes, art exhibitions, markets and information stands, circle dances and dance rituals, voice ceremonies, yoga, rituals for the earth and much more are planned. You can already find some of them on the website:

In this time of change, we are bringing together what belongs together.
Our aim is to share knowledge and inspire each other.

more than you think!
enjoy diversity

Move freely around the festival. Four days that you can organise as you wish: The festival is packed full of exchanges of experience, workshops, lectures and concerts. Choose your program according to your needs and interests, enjoy the atmosphere and meet kindred spirits. In the evenings we celebrate together, listen to music and let the evening come to a cozy end.


»We treat each other with respect, act in a calm manner, don’t get into any rude arguments and always try to find a joint solution. Our house is our mother’s house, where we share everything in the clan. Grandmother Ah-mi is responsible for this and passes everything on to other family members.«

You Zhou Zhima, 2016 (Mosuo in Yunnan, China)

Quote from a woman in today’s matriarchal society.
The photo books «Matriarchs» 1 + 2 with many pictures and information are available on Maria Haas’ website.

Clan der Minangkabau vor ihrem Haus mit Büffelhorndach © Maria Haas, Matriarchinnen 1
Grossfamilie Ktung in Jaintia Hills - © Maria Haas, Matriarchinnen 1
Clan der Mosuo mit der Ah-mi, der ältesten Frau - © Maria Haas, Matriarchinnen 1


There is no hierarchy and no enforcement staff such as the military, police or authorities. Conflicts are resolved by consensus. Private and political decisions are always made jointly. Negotiations continue until a solution is found for everyone. In this sense, there are no democratic majority decisions, because a minority always falls by the wayside. Still existing matriarchal societies are characterised by a high level of communication skills, which are already practiced in childhood.